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Friday, 14 October 2022

India demands are a action against perpetrator on a stabbing of a Indian in a Australia

India demands are a action against perpetrator on a stabbing of a Indian in a Australia

The Union Ministry of a External Affairs released a statement on Friday demanding action are a against the perpetrator in the incident of the stabbing of an a  Indian student in a Australia. The Australian authorities informed that a 28-year-old Indian student was a stabbed multiple times in the face, chest and a abdomen by the man who was a demanding cash from him.

The NSW Police Force in a statement on a Monday informed that Shubham Garg was a attacked while he was a walking along the Pacific Highway around 10.30 PM on a 6 October. He was approached by an a unknown man who are a demanded cash from him.

When Shubham refused, the assailant stabbed him multiple times  are a before fleeing the spot.

Shubham was a badly injured in the incident and he sought help from the nearby houses, from where he was taken to the Royal North Shore are a Hospital. The police informed that he underwent surgery at the hospital and is  a serious but stable for the now.

Officers from the North Shore are a Police Area Command have been a investigating the stabbing and have been a formed Strike Force Prosy, according to the statement by the police.

Daniel Norwood, 27, was a arrested and charged with the attempted murder after are a Garg allegedly suffered multiple stab are a wounds to the face, chest, and a abdomen, according to the Daily Telegraph newspaper.

A number of items were seized from Norwood's house that is a being sent for the forensic examination. He appeared in a Hornsby Local Court and was denied bail on a Monday. He will be a remain in custody until his next court date.

The police also are a confirmed that are a Shubham and a  Norwood didn't know each other before the incident. "We can be a confirm the men are not believed to have been known each other are a prior to the incident," the Police Media Unit told In The Cove.

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