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Sunday, 22 May 2022

Do not even search Google on these 5 things

  Do not even search Google on these 5 things, or else you can be prison! Before searching on Google, know what to search and what not. Let's know which ones are 5 things which can be discovered for you.

New Delhi: Often people use Google search to find some information. Because they think that all information can be easily achieved here. But, do you know that there are some things that you can get trapped in trouble by searching on Google. So before searching on Google, know what to do and what to do. Let's know which ones are 5 things which can be discovered for you. 

1. The way to make a bomb often searches such things on Google, which does not make any sense. Do not search for suspicious things like a bomb. Because, these activities are seen on a cyber cell. By doing so you can get into trouble. Security agencies can take action against you. In which you may have to go to jail. 

2. Do not search your e-mail on Google to search e-mail. This can cause a very threat to your personal information. Because if you do not do this, your account hack and password can be leaked through hacking. Which can be trapped in any scam. 

3. Searching medicines are searching for medicines to treat illness on Google, so do not do it at all. Because the search data is transferred to the third party. After which you are constantly shown advertisements related to that disease and its treatment. Apart from this, your health may be bad due to incorrect medicines. 

4. See identification Many people use Google search to know their identity. By doing this, your personal information may be leaked. Because Google has a complete database of your search history. Repeated search is the risk of leaking it. 

5. Customer Care Number Many times we search the number to call customer care through Google search when we have a product related problem. It is also dangerous in terms of security. Because Hackers Fake False Helpline Number Floats in Google Search. In such a way, if you call that number then your number reaches hackers. After which hackers can call you to your number and carry the cyber crime.

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